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LiDAR Calculator Spring 2023

This page provided as a way for you to crunch your own numbers about future price.

If you find an error, please use the message to comment.

There are no warranties. I make no guarantees about my math or programming;
(or starting numbers or whether your computer is on drugs today or not.)

The PE ratio is a key driver of price and always a giant guess. This is a tech company average.
In high-growth companies the PE ratio can be much higher than the starting value here.

** The Starting values are now the same as on BigWalt's "Mavin the Magnificent" post on Reddit

The "your holdings" line added by request. If there are more requests, ask before I forget Javascript again. :-)

Parameter Value
Units Sold How many units will be sold?
Earnings per unit What will they earn per Unit?
Company Expenditures What are annual company expenditures?
Total Earnings *  
Shares outstanding Enter how many shares? currently 168 Million
Earnings per share *  
PE Ratio What PE ratio are you expecting?
Your Price *  
Your Holdings If you want, how many shares you hold(nothing is recorded)
Your holdings Value * Value of your shares

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