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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Apple Year Schedule?

Apple will have a busy second half of the year, according to KGI Securities analyst Ming Chi Kuo.
In a note released yesterday, and picked up by MacRumors, Kuo provided the following road map for Apple's product releases in 2013. Kuo is fairly plugged into Apple's suppliers and has a better track record than most.
As you can see, Kuo is calling for a 4.7-inch and a 5.5-inch iPhone. The 4.7-inch phone is expected to be out sooner than the 5.5-inch iPhone. Kuo thinks the 4.7-inch iPhone will be the mass-market hit. 
He's also calling for the iWatch to be out in two sizes, presumably one for men and one for women. He's calling for an update to the MacBook in a new, slimmer design. 
And he anticipates updates to Apple TV. There's talk of its getting an App Store and motion controls like an Xbox Kinect.
If this is accurate, it's going to be an insanely busy second half of the year for Apple. 
For context, this is the road map Kuo predicted in January 2013 for Apple last year. He got the Apple TV prediction wrong, but otherwise he was pretty spot on. His timing wasn't perfect, but the products were right.

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