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Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Projected Future with Sony

Pretty Sony Screens Everywhere in Your Future? 
Given the range of Sony’s 2014 product announcements, it’s fair to say that we could have anticipated as much.
At this month’s Life Space UX event held at Sony’s Ginza headquarters here in Tokyo, AkihabaraNews was treated to a behind-the-scenes look at what Sony’s planning for our digital living space of the future (gallery below).
Now, as previously mentioned, the giant short-throw projector aside, which is an actual product slated for late-spring or summer release, most of what we saw were concept implementations. As evidenced in the gallery, however, the gear looks way beyond prototype - almost like near-finished product.
So what could have hinted at Sony's plans? Well... there was:
Sony - Ultra short-throw projector that displays a 147-inch 4K image on a plain wall 
This thing is beautiful, that much more so live and in-person. And absolutely yes, the cost is commensurate: think…entry-level BMW. In a city like Tokyo, we’d probably go with the projector.
Sony - Focus-Free High-Resolution Pico Projector Module 
Well, obviously Sony’s working on putting their powerful pico projectors into small places, specifically, places about 5.25cm x 6.3cm x .72cm; and at 1920 x 720, the resolution is right where it should be. If they’re shoehorning this kind of kit into mobile devices and the like, they can certainly find use in the home as well. In fact, the projector module's dimensions line up nicely with the size and shape of the devices poking out of Sony's ceiling of the future, and possible the tabletop interactive projector as well.
[MARCH 19] 
Sony - Hi-Res audio stereo system and speaker 
Okay, maybe we’re just tossing this one in for good measure, but come on - this system would go quite nicely with a 147-inch (373cm) short-throw projector!
With these nuggets of detail, we might have anticipated what Life Space UX had in store, but as the truism goes: speculation is at best speculative. Have a look at the gallery is below, and for a live-action look at Sony’s vision, check out our raw video and the brief feature segment from the UTMTTS, Episode 5.
Tell us - would you want this stuff in your home? 
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