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Monday, September 1, 2014

Apple - Sony - Microvision Timeline -- Apple World Wide Developer Conference - WWDC - Foxconn -- UPDATE 9/1/2014

connecting some dots....

FEBRUARY 11, 2014

"Sony could double the number of 'sensors' it supplies to apple...."
Sensors from CNET

FEBRUARY 20, 2014

"Sony Develops Pico Projector Module with High-Definition Resolution and Focus-free Image Projection" - "incorporates the PicoP technology developed by MicroVision, Inc."

Article collection from this blog
Sony Press Release

MARCH 3, 2014

2014 Green laser demand according to Sony: 10,000,000
Reference Here

April, 2014

Apple Advertisement...

Concept video released...

MAY, 2014

May 1

From Mashtable among others
"Although Apple CEO Tim Cook has remained mum on whether the company will release a wearable device of any kind, his statements in recent months have consistently been peppered with comments about an exciting "new category" of product the company plans to release later this year."

May 6

MVIS Conference call
"PicoP display technology as many of you know can enable an end user experience with features such as high definition, always in focus images, display it on a gigantic screen with laser brightness that are not attainable from other PicoP projectors..."  -- Alexander Tokman, May 6, 2014

This was the first time we'd heard "gigantic screen" as a descriptor of the experience with PicoP.  Is this a coincidence or deliberate?

May 21

New Hardware to be announced at Apple World Wide Developer Conference

From NewYork Post

WWDC Schedule

Foxconn Technology Group Buys Stake in Asia Pacific Telecom
(Reuters) - Apple Inc supplier Foxconn Technology Group will buy a stake in Taiwanese mobile telecoms operator Asia Pacific Telecom for T$11.6 billion ($390 million) in a deal that would expand its presence in Taiwan's fledgling 4G telecoms market.

Foxconn could stand to reap significant rewards from this deal, if the amount of bandwidth consumed by mobile customers in Taiwan increases significantly. The ability to view large amounts of media easily while mobile would 

Apple TV business to "evolve"


  • A PicoP engine could easily be referred to as a "sensor" if you were concealing actual intent.
  • If your first application for your new technology were going to be to put it in your own product, why would you announce that you were making a module?
  • Were the Sony announcements in February coincidental?
  • We know that making actual video game controllers for iPhones is NOT a fantasy. So, the iPhone video game projector video might not be entirely fantasy. Apple Teams up with Logitec
  • The video featuring the "gigantic" song is interesting. Featuring gigantic screen projections working in concert with Apple products. Apple doesn't waste their money, so they're making us think about this for a reason.
  • For me, "gigantic" was a key word I was listening for during the conference call. Heard it. Never heard it before in context with a PicoP before. Always heard "big screen," "large screen," "full screen" but never "gigantic screen." Accident? Maybe.
  • Apple increases buzz about "totally new class of hardware" to be released. As several kinds of smart watches have been released, can it be a smart watch?
  • Apples WWDC schedule is full of "I can't tell you yet." Schedule will be filled in on June 2.
  • Foxconn buys a stake in Asia Pacific Telecom. They can't buy Apple stock, they know to much, same with Microvision or Sony. But -if they're confident that consumption of mobile video is going to soar, this is something to buy, and not "insider trading." It's a significant bite.
  • This year, Microvision's Annual Stockholder Meeting is a week or two earlier than normal, on a Tuesday, not a Thursday -- and just a day after the Apple Developer Conference.
We will see next week.

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