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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Everything is Aligned

At the Annual Stockholder Meeting, this slide was up during the presentation.

As investors, this is the most important one they showed. 

  • We know the the technology is excellent
    •  (It makes incredible moving pictures!)
  • We know the technology is viable
    • (It successfully bounced around in automobiles in Japan for a couple of years in very hot and very cold temperatures, with excellent reliability.)
  • We know it has a market 
    • Show a ShowWX to a teenager, and see how excited they get.

The question we have is when.

Many people are very impatient to see things happen. There are a lot of things that have to happen before this can arrive in a consumer product. Back to the picture: This involves the market side of the equation:

(This is from my memory, and partly my own opinion. Nothing here should be attributed as the words of any Microvision manager or employee)

Green oval: They have to have the engines. (Notice, under that , there is a "Microvision gets paid" box)

Red oval: The engines have to go into a product that is designed to receive it. (Under that, also a "Microvision gets paid" box)

Yellow oval: Other companies that produce products to re-brand. (store brands, etc.)

Blue Oval: Retailers -- Best Buy, Amazon, wireless carriers and other retailers. These can "pull" PicoP by demanding this technology from the manufacturers. (An ATT or Verizon telling handset manufacturers that they want PicoP to offer to their clients is an extremely powerful incentive for it to be included.)

The comment that you can take to the bank. "All the pieces are now in place."

In terms of this graphic, what does that mean?

The supply chain is up and functioning. 
They have the developed engine
they have developed products
OEMS that will re-brand are ready
The retailers want PicoP

Doubt the Supply chain?

I've blanked out some of this linkedin profile out of respect, but investors should know what is going on...


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