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Monday, October 6, 2014

Even better environment for PicoP

Sony strikes deals with six Canadian carriers for Xperia Z3 launch on October 31

We’ve never known who to blame for the mind-bogglingly limited availability of flagship Sony Xperias in North America, so likewise, we aren’t going to single out anybody for praise now that things are finally moving in the right direction.
Presumably, Xperia Z3’s wide-scale release is the result of a joint effort from the phone’s manufacturers and US and Canada’s leading wireless service providers. So kudos to all of them, and don’t forget to circle October 31 in your calendars.
I’m talking squarely to our Canadian readers, who know exactly what to expect, whereas folks living to the south of the border can dream for a quicker turnaround, even though timelines remain a secret. Not for long, as Sony has a few announcements to make in New York City on October 9.
Back to our friends up north, let’s stress the abundance of options they’ll have as soon as October ends. The Z3, in stark contrast with its predecessors, managed to secure support from the nation’s three leading carriers, as well as an additional three of the next four smaller networks.
That’s Rogers, Telus and Bell, for anyone keeping count, plus Wind, Sasktel and MTS. Videotron is the only semi-important name missing from the list, but at an estimated half a million of subscribers, it’s hardly relevant in the grand scheme of things.
Besides, you’ll also be able to pick the Xperia Z3 up from Sony Stores starting four weeks from tomorrow in unlocked variants, and then decide which carrier gets your vote of confidence. There are no words on pricing just yet, but the nearly identical Z2 is available exclusively on Bell at $100 with contracts and $700 outright, and there’s probably no way to go but up.

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