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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jeffries: Sony "vastly undervalued" -- Upcoming Sony Events

At Barron's Blog

"We believe Sony group profit performance will increasingly be driven by Content, Games and Device businesses. 

Sony managed to put all the bad news behind it with the September write-down of ¥180b of non-cash, one-off impairment charge of smartphone goodwill. 

We are approaching 3 major events: 
(1) results this week, Oct 31st, 
(2) IR events on Nov, 17th (Content) and Nov, 25th (Electronics) in Tokyo, and 
(3) Games event (PlayStation Experience) in Vegas on Dec 6-7th. With almost all the bad news out and priced in, we believe investors will do well to go with a long position on these events."

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