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Friday, November 7, 2014

Xiaomi Smartphone Share Triples.

Xaiomi phone share triples

Xiaomi’s China Smartphone Share Triples as Apple Declines
  Nov 7, 2014 1:29 AM PT

Xiaomi Corp. led China smartphone shipments in the third quarter as local brands including Vivo ate into the share of global market leaders Samsung Electronics Co. and Apple Inc. (AAPL), researcher Canalys said. 
Xiaomi more than tripled its share of the world’s largest smartphone market to 16 percent in the three months ended September from 5 percent a year earlier, Canalys said in an e-mail today. Samsung fell to second place from first as its market share dropped to 14 percent from 21 percent, the researcher said. 
Lenovo Group Ltd. (992) maintained its 13 percent share of the China market, yet still slipped to third place from second a year earlier. The country’s smartphone market is coming to the end of a period of “hypergrowth” that saw shipments double in the past two years, Lenovo Chief Executive Officer Yang Yuanqing said in an interview yesterday. 
“China market competition is very fierce,” Yang said by phone yesterday. “It’s the most fiercely competitive smartphone market in the world.” 
The fourth place was a tie as two more Chinese vendors, Huawei Technologies Co. and Coolpad Group Ltd., each captured 9 percent, Canalys said. In sixth place was the Vivo brand of BBK Communication Technology Co., which tripled share to 6 percent from 2 percent a year earlier, when it was ranked 11th, according to the researcher. 
Apple fell to seventh place from fifth as its market share dropped to 5 percent, compared with 6 percent a year earlier, Canalys said. While new iPhones made their global debut on Sept. 19, they didn’t officially go on sale in China until Oct. 17, after the quarter ended. 
Xiaomi’s surging sales at home lifted it to third place globally in the quarter ended September, trailing only Samsung (005930) and Apple, researcher International Data Corp. reported Oct. 29. 
To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Edmond Lococo in Beijing at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Michael Tighe at mtighe4@bloomberg.netSubramaniam Sharma, Robert Fenner
(I scraped this content because often, in my experience, this kind of link disappears.)

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