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Monday, August 10, 2015

Bigger than the Internet?

Startups such as Blippar have already made significant inroads offering technology that lets users point their smartphones or tablets at objects, then watch as the screen unveils a 3D animation, game or graphic, bringing the object to life. But will AR capabilities really be the way of the future? We ask the experts if these new technology offerings are just a gimmick or offer real possibilities for marketers to lift their game.

Blippar CEO and co-founder, Ambarish Mitra, is confident augmented reality will eventually become bigger than the Internet itself. He says the high engagement factor stems from the fact that AR is so visual in nature, converging products into an interactive medium and offering discovery points and all the curiosity points in an everyday consumer’s journey.

“From the very beginning, I saw augmented reality as a very big opportunity,” he tells CMO.
“We were never just focusing on the technology, but on the storytelling. That became a big differentiator.”

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