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Monday, November 2, 2015

Streaming Media Device Sales

Young people move to streaming media and cut the cord --  They're also using mobile devices to watch. This is good news for MicroVision. The amount they anticipate increasing is huge and if the trend is real, probably underestimated.

They also do not account for the arrival of new devices that will have features that mobile media sharers will demand.

As more consumers experiment with and rely on streaming video, networks and content providers expand their offerings. As a result, "there has been this explosion of streaming boxes that allow content companies to talk to consumers in their homes," says Jason Krikorian, co–founder of Sling Media and general partner at DCM Ventures, a tech-focused venture capital firm.
"Young people look at 1,000 channels that are pushed to them via the cable bundle and say, ‘Why do I need that when all I care about is eight shows and a couple of sports teams?'" he said. "They are interested in new kinds of solutions.”

"Cutting the Cord" is a regular column covering Net TV and ways to get it. If you have suggestions or questions, contact Mike Snider via e-mail at And follow him on Twitter: @MikeSnider.

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