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Friday, March 11, 2016

Thoughts on the broader situation

I know a lot of people are upset and confused about the current state of the stock price. Markets are often unpredictable. 

Just where is MicroVision?

The goal MicroVision had was to get PicoP to the point where it can start generating money for MicroVision. Then they would support it, and start working on the other awesome IP that MicroVision has. PicoP is there now.

The installations, embedded uses and the revenue from it will not be instant.

It's ready to go, it is being implemented, and the implementation will take time - we're in that process. We're seeing embedded solutions popping up as prototypes - Sony Agent, a silly, but kind of cool R2D2 refrigerator, stand alone projectors, embedded in phones projectors, embedded in a little robot projector, over an interactive sandbox, probably in at least one augmented reality headset. 

R2D2 Refrigerator distracted people.  The big news is that a gigantic company like Haier is using embedded PicoP. Do you really think a company like Haier would use PicoP for a product like that and not be coming up with many other use cases for it? 

When there are many NDAs the news arrives indirectly.

A year ago the chatter on investor  boards was "we have to be embedded in a cell phone -- that's the ultimate." PicoP IS embedded in a cell phone. (which, for some reason looks almost identical to an iPhone5) Mass production, marketing and distribution are going to take a little time.

We had a hiccup last year in the supply chain. That shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone -- we were warned about that during the stockholders meeting -- "everything looks great -- but there can be bumps on the road." We had a bump. It set us back a few months. It didn't change the story.

Going from development, to manufacturing, to field testing, adjusting based on field testing, to mass production and integration all takes time. Look at ANY technology, they all do the same thing. 

MPCL1 and Celluon were the field testing. They now know the product works, and works in the wild. They are clearly ramping the production -- because they've been adding equipment to make more.

The saying "the watched pot never boils" is meaningful here. We have all seen other cool technological things pop up as science fiction, and then a decade later we see it in action and we perceive that it appeared suddenly. That's almost never the case.

We now have a very cool technology that is on the edge of being everywhere.

Regarding the 40-70% growth guidance? My own read on that is that it is an extremely conservative number, probably based only on the currently in place agreements. [I do not know this for certain, it is my opinion. You can form your own]

I sought some counseling on what might be happening with Sharp (two projector engines -- so they're going to use them on more than RoBoHon) and was told that Sharp can't announce anything -- they're in acquisition negotiations with Foxconn.

Stock price aside -- my optimism for the future of MicroVision and the future of its technology continues to grow. The stock price stumbled, but the future is very very bright. (with laser light, from really small laser diodes, creating beautiful imagery on all kinds of surfaces.)

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