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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Facebook Wants to make Augmented Reality Glasses

Anyone investing for arbitrage potential should start raising their bids on MicroVision big time. MVIS has a far more impressive technology than was Oculus Rift, and Facebook spent 2 billion on that. 

They have lots of money, and interesting goals.

The Verge

"Mark Zuckerberg says augmented reality glasses are 'what we're trying to get to"

Mark Zuckerberg is optimistic about the future of virtual and augmented reality. At his Facebook F8 conference keynote, Zuckerberg said that the company was working on "a whole new set of social experiences" across VR platforms, echoing an announcement the company made earlier this year. "Virtual reality has the potential to be the most social platform, because you actually feel like you're right there with another person," he said, referencing an Oculus Rift "toybox" demo that lets two people play together in VR. But in the coming decade, Zuckerberg sees a progression that many people have predicted: that virtual reality will merge with augmented reality and become part of everyday life.

So that means that today, if I want to show my friends a photo, I pull out my phone and I have a small version of the photo. In the future, you'll be able to snap your fingers and pull out a photo and make it as big as you want, and with your AR glasses you'll be able to show it to people and they'll be able to see it.

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