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Friday, May 13, 2016

They Don't See it -- but we do.

Apple suffers slowing sales. Apple suppliers take hit -- why? Because they don't see anything new.

It's not about the device -- it's about having a huge display you can fit in your pocket. That's what MicroVision offers. 

People don't buy things, they buy the benefits the things bring them. PicoP is all benefit.

From the Wall Street Journal     
Much more at the source.

Apple Inc.’s slowing sales are reverberating along the supply chain in Asia with iPhone component makers reporting weak earnings and cautious forecasts.

The latest results mark the end of an era of easy growth for not only Apple, but for the multibillion-dollar global supply chain that makes iPhones and other gadgets.

As smartphone growth slows with the sector’s maturation, suppliers say that they don’t see another product category on the immediate horizon that can be a major growth driver.

“We are all closely watching new areas, like the Internet of Things and automotive electronics,” said Charles Lin, chief financial officer of Pegatron Corp., a secondary iPhone assembler for Apple based in Taiwan. “But so far there is nothing nearly approaching the scale of smartphones.”

Electronics suppliers went through a similar challenge when the personal computer market slowed, said UBS analyst Arthur Hsieh.The companies made a relatively easy transition to making smartphones, after the first iPhone was launched in 2007.

This time, it isn’t yet clear what the next growth driver will be, with new technologies such as virtual reality, smartcars and Internet-connected appliances all appearing promising, but still early-stage, he said.

“We are in a transition period,” Mr. Hsieh said.

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