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Friday, June 3, 2016

One Plus -- History

The forward view of MicroVision is a LOT nicer than the view behind us. We've just gotten off the goat path and we're turning onto the freeway.

There are a lot more interesting facts, but for now, we can stick with these:

Fact 1: Qualper is a company who may or may not be some other much larger entity. 

Fact 2: Qualper has produced a beautiful smartphone that has an outstanding projector embedded in it.

Fact 3: There are no impediments to high production for the PicoP engines.

Fact 4: The Qualper phone seen at the ASM uses the SONY engine we are familiar with.

Which is all merely interesting without the background about where OnePlus came from:


OnePlus 1

One plus is a Chinese smartphone maker that was founded in 2013- three years ago. They unveiled their first device TWO years ago. They now serve 42 countries.

OnePlus One sold a million units. 950,000 over plan. The sales were by invite only - so they didn't have to take any risk by producing inventory before it was needed.

OnePlus 2

Announced in January of 2015. They used an invite system again. Within 72 hours they have one million reservations. Within a week, two million reservations in September, they had  five million reservations.

The OnePlus 3 is due out.... they currently have 2,200,000 people on their reservation list.


Do not doubt MicroVision. 

OnePlus has proved beyond any doubt that a smartphone company -- with anything innovative, can go from zero to millions in an exceptionally short time. 

Considering that MicroVision is selling a license to a component to any smartphone maker who would like to include it -- and manufacturing powerhouse SONY has no impediments to mass production -- That's what you need to know. (The rest is noise, and in the past.) 

Everyone wants a bigger screen on their phone. It will be great when one of the huge manufacturers starts embedding projectors, but for MicroVision's fortunes to rise, they don't have to. 

Qualper will rise faster than OnePlus, because they're offering something new that's beyond just the best currently available features at a lower price. 

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