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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Qualper Flash Mob

On one of the message boards, someone posted a link to this.

I've scraped it to retain the translation, and because of doubts about the durability of the link.


At 11:00 on June 15, 2016, assisted by the entire flash mob ASEAN Expo Pu Optoelectronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and the China Federation co-sponsored media reporter began a loud whistle sound. That flash mob is a popular international hippie behavior can be seen as a short performance art. Simply put, is to use the Internet to contact people, agreed at the same place and the same time to do the specified unity of action, not complicated very interesting action, quickly began a speedy end.
According to organizers, the flash mob significance: the CAEXPO help for Caiyunzhinan cheers. Pu Optoelectronics full application of laser technology for the popularization of micro, through this flash mob to promote its science and technology to lead the future, just as behind the flash mob million college students business plan to be preheated. Yunnan million college students venture next month will be a demonstration, so that knowledge Students have learned to be reflected in the business. Let's independent research and development of laser micro electronics into ordinary people as soon as possible, to change our lifestyle with the knowledge and technology.
After the whistle I saw was wearing a white short T & P laser printed with full phone men and women from more than thirty people gathered in different directions Museum situated on an island in Vietnam and Thailand Pavilion, led by "Hani Prince" under the leadership of Li together shouting "ASEAN Expo! CAEXPO! CAEXPO!" everyone quickly formed side team, I saw the front of the boys and girls against the wall with the full column P MEMS micro laser projector phone projected Yunnan Yi toast song "A cousin to drink." As we started playing music at the same time out of cell phone started singing together toasting song danced Yi left foot dance, singing and dancing all the flash performance art stretched to a climax.End of the last song and dance, everyone shouted together three times: "science and technology to lead the future," then all of the staff instantly dissolved, disappeared in the crowd of participants.

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