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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Really interesting Foxconn comment

Wonder what changes in early 2017? 

I'll be watching this company, but that could be a very interesting timeline tell as well.

What does Terry Gou know?

Phone Arena  -- much more at the source.

As if we needed a reminder that Apple's iPhone sales are to remain soft this year despite the iPhone 7 launch, the CEO and chairman of Foxconn Terry Gou himself has reportedly chipped in on the matter. He reportedly told the staff to expect "feeble" iPhone sales at least until early 2017. Now, whether that's based on the order amount in the pipeline, or what he knows about the selling points of the upcoming iPhones, remains to be seen, but for Q1 Foxconn reported a 5.5% revenue drop year-on-year, despite a sudden order rush in April and May.

And WOW -- rumor mills hit now, that the greatest new feature of the new iPhone is that it will come in BLUE!  

Another source was more blunt in their assessment:s "Apple's resorting to colors instead of pursuing innovative features to boost sales shows that the company now has no way of breaking out of the current doldrums." As a reminder, Apple is said to introduce a new, "Deep Blue" color for the iPhone 7, a concept render of which you see in the header above.

Japanese website Nikkei is continuing the 2016 doom and gloom sentiment surrounding iPhone sales, reporting that an unnamed source has confirmed that sales figures and shipment numbers for Apple's smartphone lineup will see the first year-over-year decline since the iPhone debuted in 2007. The website cites "lukewarm demand for a new model" and a lack of innovation as the major reasons behind the predicted sales decline. 

"Hon Hai Precision Industry Chairman Terry Gou has told his staff that the demand for iPhones will remain feeble until at least early next year," a source said. Hon Hai, better known as Foxconn Technology Group, declined to comment.

Gou told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in China in late May that the company's overall orders were falling this year, although Foxconn did receive a sudden rush of orders in April and May. Foxconn makes about 70% of iPhones sold globally.

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