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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Augmented Reality -- UPDATED

There's a LOT of stuff out now suddenly about Augmented Reality. It was off the public's radar until Pokemon Go, and now there's a lot of buzz.

It's only a matter of time before those digging hard about it discover the great position Microvision has in the field.

Check out the Definition from Apple Insider -- "A layer of digital information overlaid onto the physical world" is exactly what PicoP does.

So, when we go portable -- to play augmented reality games with portable devices -- things like this can be done. ( I still haven't found the one article that was posted recently that caught my eye.) 

Apple Insider

Distilled to its most basic elements, augmented reality can be described as [a] layer of digital information overlaid onto the physical world, like the camera and screen interface used in Pokémon Go. More immersive technology relies on specialized transparent displays, though these exotic solutions are still in their infancy and as such come at a high price. A number of tech companies are investing in the space, including Google's Glass product and Facebook's Oculus Rift platform.

From Eos Article

When visiting CES I showed the PicoPro to the Eos Folks and they REALLY like the projector. 

Convince and Convert 


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