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Monday, July 25, 2016

Harry Potter Go

I predict that someday, millions of people will be playing games in the dark on portable devices.

PicoP can be a very good stepping stone between playing AR on your phone, and playing on a headset... it would certainly allow for more person to person interaction - because sharing would be a given.

Augmented reality games will be even more fun when things appear on the real world. That's possible with infinite focus. Given the popularity of the Pokemon game, expanding on the concept is inevitable.

While Augmented Reality headsets are going to be really expensive as they get started, PicoP is already priced to be in reach.

It's only the beginning.

Newsy  <---- Watch the video here. 

Inquisitr    More at the source

Harry Potter GO, a conceptualized game, may very well be on its way to the mobile gaming arena if Niantic Labs seriously contemplates the petition put forth by the innumerable Harry Potter fans.

According to Cinema Blend, die-hard fans of Harry Potter have proposed that Niantic Labs, the creators of the breakaway hit mobile game Pokémon GO, develop a mobile game based on the Harry Potter movies and which draws inspiration from the newly released Pokémon GO game.


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