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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Insurance view of Technology

Property Casualty 360

This is  an article about insurance companies adopting new technology. It talks about the frustration of development timelines AND the value of delivering visual data.

Bring on PicoP.

Using Google Glass as a test case for all emerging technologies of the moment, consider it originally debuted to significant hype in early 2012 and went live in 2013, becoming a big hit with the public before eventually losing steam as the novelty wore off.  Last year, Google pulled back on investment in the Glass Explorer Program, and since then, the competition has stepped up, introducing multiple types of smart glasses. While there are now many choices of these devices, consumer interest in smart glasses has remained at a standstill, and true business value has yet to be proven. Why?

Value of visual data

Evaluating the applicability of Google Glass for insurance means recognizing the value visual data, such as photographs and video, can bring to the claim documentation and underwriting process. However, Google Glass in particular, and smart glasses overall, are of sound concept and excellent design, but the technology is not quite mature, especially when considered for business use. For example: 
(Battery life, processing power, overheating, smartphone integration, heads up display and prohibitive cost.)  -- And all of those problems will be solved with PicoBit.

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