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Monday, August 1, 2016

AR Future uses and current craziness

There are two very interesting things going on here that an Investor in Microvision needs to pay attention to.

The first is that the next mountain that Microvision is already starting to climb has captured the imagination and a lot of people are thinking about the ways that it can enhance our lives -- and the ways it can. 

The second is that something that only a very few people were even aware of a month ago is now an enormously popular topic -- a game went from zero to hundreds of millions of players in just a few weeks.

This is the kind of reaction that PicoP will get in the public - Don't doubt this. When people can use their mobile device to get a 1 foot screen in daylight and a six foot screen in the dark? You will see this kind of reaction to it.

Go90, Binge on & other media developments at wireless companies are being created for a reason. AOL was sold for media advertising. 

There is also a reason for the NDAs -- because this kind of attention would happen before the companies that want to implement it are ready for it.

Art in New Places

AR could change resorts for the better

Pokemon Go is obviously a fad, not a long-term marketing strategy. But the game’s success at combining virtual quests, an interactive setting, and social interactions could change the future of resort vacations. How? By creating a scalable, personalized recipe for adventure.

Enhance Education

Too much of our education system is structured like virtual reality. We create an artificial world where subjects like history, science, and physical education are separated into distinct, and unreal, classes without reference to each other.

This approach has a name, at least in the computer gaming world: Augmented Reality, or AR. In AR, extra information is digitally overlaid onto the real world to enhance the experience either for information or entertainment purposes. If you have ever been to a museum and listened to a “virtual tour” on a headset while you look at the very real exhibit or pieces in front of you, then you have experienced AR. That these tours are misnamed “virtual” demonstrates the somewhat confusing, but important, distinction between “Augmented Reality” and “Virtual Reality” (VR). In a nutshell, VR creates an entirely made up world that can be as divorced from reality and its rules (like gravity) as the designer wants, while AR takes what is real and enhances or overlays information to get more out of exploring our world.

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