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Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Practical Future of Augmented Reality

So far, the best display for AR is Microvision -- their Nomad headset had a distinct field of view advantage over anything else I tried. I think the company is well positioned in this technology.

This kind of report about a new technology is awesome. Industries are pulling to get this adopted... they want it, and even though the Hololens device is still a "development version" companies are out there creating solutions like this for it. I think this means that development will happen at a faster pace than we think.

That -- and the most wildly popular mobile game created would thrive with this hardware. It was the most popular ever in just a couple of weeks. And it brings people together--- doesn't separate them like virtual reality.

Expectations are super high for Augmented Reality -- and Microvision has a great place in it.


Microsoft Blog

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