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Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Single, tiny, innovative Mems Scanning Mirror

The STMicroelectronics relationship with Microvision is getting some attention. 

Thanks Dave!

EDN Network -- Much more at the source

A single, tiny, innovative MEMS scanning mirror technology: Moving to improve automotive safety with HUD and ADAS

Industry moves to acquire LIDAR technology for ADAS

This is a hot topic in the industry and big players are positioning themselves to get a big piece of the pie.

Infineon has acquired LIDAR expertise in October with the recent Innoluce takeover.

Analog Devices has also just announced, on November 17, the acquisition of LBS Technology from Vescent Photonics for the purpose of enabling mainstream adoption of automotive LIDAR systems.

I expect more companies to make similar announcements soon as this market heats up.

The unique MicroVision MEMS scanning mirror construction and operation

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