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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Apple No Longer Trendsetter -- Qualper Is.

So if Apple's next big thing is what we heard yesterday (Augmented Reality Glasses) Then they're just following Google... they may do it better.

But real innovation is already out -- in the form of Qualper's PicoP enabled laser projector phone.


Apple Inc.'s next hot product category may be...Google's failed Glass project from 2013.

The company is considering glasses that could combine digital information with what a person sees, my Bloomberg News colleagues reported late Monday. If the idea sounds familiar, it's because of the similarity to technology behind Pokemon Go, the hit smartphone game of 2016. It was also the aim of Google Glass, before the company now called Alphabet Inc. put that project on hold for reprogramming.


More ominously for Apple, it's no longer the technology trendsetter. Yes, Apple has brought us better smartphone cameras and fingerprint sensors, but there are more areas where it has whiffed. Cook has been saying for five years that the TV industry is broken and needs an overhaul. He was right. Now the way people watch television is being upended by Netflix Inc., by "cord cutting" and by video on smartphones. Apple is barely a participant in that transformation.

Apple may never make digital glasses, and if it does, it won't happen before 2018. But the technology will progress anyway. Augmented reality is what Microsoft is doing with its HoloLens headset, and that product exists. So does Pokemon Go. The parent company of Snapchat created a specialized camera built into glasses that lets people record snippets of video from what they see.

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