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Monday, November 14, 2016

Remember this article?

This was posted earlier this year.

It looks a bit more interesting now, doesn't it?

Patently Apple

Apple's Secret Camera Team in France is Stepping Up their Research in Partnership with STMicroelectronics
According to European sources (one and two) Apple has been working on a secret camera related project in Minatec, a research center in Grenoble, France with a small team of about 20 engineers. They'll be moving to a new clean room to continue their work for Apple. Apple signed a new lease with Grenoble Alpes-Metropole. The research will be done in partnership with STMicroelectronics. The work will reportedly center on image sensors for future iOS devices. With Apple taking a leap forward with their new dual lens camera for the iPhone 7 Plus, Apple wants to reportedly advance that technology. 

As an interesting side note, STMicroelectronics also produces a pico projector, something that Apple patents have pointed to on several occasions.

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