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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Google Launches IOT

This is a big development worth paying attention to.

Google Launches preview of Android Things Developer Platform

Google today announced Android Things, its new comprehensive IoT platform for building smart devices on top of Android APIs and Google’s own services. Android Things is now available as a developer preview.
Essentially, this is Android for IoT. It combines Google’s earlier efforts around Brillo(which was also Android-based, but never saw any major uptake from developers) with its Android developer tools like Android Studio, the Android SDK, Google Play Services and Google’s cloud computing services. Support for Weave, Google’s IoT communications platform that (together with Brillo) makes up Google’s answer to Apple’s HomeKit, is on the roadmap and will come in a later developer preview.
As a Google spokesperson told me, the company sees Android Things as an evolution of Brillo that builds on what Google learned from this earlier project. Google will work with all early access Brillo users to migrate their projects to Android Things.

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