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Friday, December 16, 2016

Himax Out at Hololens?

With Microvision's known wider field of view, Hololens is certainly something to watch closely. 

They were using a Himax display, here is more evidence that they are no longer using the Himax display -- which may give MVIS an opening. Whether or not it's actually Microvision remains to be seen, but we are a logical choice. 

According to the article - they may be trying to update their technology at Himax and continue to supply Hololens.

Microvision's Nomad had better field of view than any other available offering at CES last year.

That Microsoft intends to open this tech to others --- that's very interesting stuff as well. 

Next Reality News

We've been hearing some interesting rumors in the last few days that are stirring up all kinds of speculation about the potential upcoming consumer release of the HoloLens. However, MSPoweruser has speculated a bit further past the consumer HoloLens release to a possible HoloLens 2 as soon as Q3 2017.

Himax Technologies, a major supplier for many of the components of the current HoloLens version, had its stock price fall 19.1% back in September. This was because of weak shipments of the mixed reality headset at the time, as well as speculation that a shift in the production line for the HoloLens was taking place.

More recently, Jordan Wu, CEO of Himax, somewhat confirmed this rumor when he blamed a "major AR customer's shift in focus to the development of future generation devices," and hinted at increased sales after the first few quarters of next year.

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