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Friday, December 9, 2016

Magic Leap -- Dots connecting well

Thanks Mike for your correction to my mix up.

We've been suspicious that Magic Leap was using a fiber scanning display, instead of Microvision's LBS. 

Magic leap is apparently abandoning the Fiber scanning display -- and their other option is -- 

Magic leap has been (apparently) overhyping their progress.

So, looks like we have what could be a very nice new customer. And given that we apparently have a ridiculously tiny new display engine.

Magic Leap is currently valued at about $4.5 Billion dollars. 

The biggest advantage of Microvision's 0.65 cubic centimeter projector is that it requires no lenses, but is in focus and appears normal on any surface, even those that are rough or radically curved.  EE-Times linked from this blog 

The Verge

The crux of the problem appears to be Magic Leap’s gamble on a so-called fiber scanning display, which shines a laser through a fiber optic cable that moves rapidly back and forth to draw images out of light. The company thought the fiber scanning display could be Magic Leap’s breakthrough tech, allowing it to shrink down the extremely expensive hardware used on a previous prototype — a refrigerator-sized device known internally as the “Beast.” 
According to The Information, Magic Leap still has not been able to get the fiber scanning display to work. It has since demoted it to a long-term research project. “You ultimately in engineering have to make tradeoffs,” Abovitz said in the interview. Still, the company’s latest prototype appears to be the size of a standard pair of glasses. It’s known internally as the PEQ, for product equivalent, and yet Magic Leap declined to demonstrate it for The Information. Abovitz claims it is only slightly less capable than the earlier, tethered prototypes, but denied that it now uses technology similar to the HoloLens.

The Hololens units that are out, were using the Himax display, but is changing.

"In the near-term, estimates lower component orders from a major buyer (Microsoft HoloLens). Analyst Tom Sepenzis: "AR – We believe that the primary customer is rapidly reducing orders for LCOS and WLO components. This could result in approximately $60 million in LCOS/WLO revenue in CY16, down from an expected $90+ million, and have a significant impact in CY17. Originally pegged at $270 million in potential revenue in CY17, we now expect this customer to drop off almost completely in the first half of CY17 as it looks to refine its AR products." -- Seeking Alpha HIMAX - Source (multiple sources for this.)

IB Times -- Magic Leap Videos Faked?

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