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Monday, December 5, 2016

Repairmen at Russian Shipyards use AR Glasses

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Repairmen at Russian Shipyards to Use 3D Glasses

 Rubric: RussiaIndustryFuture
PrimeSoft recently presented a project implying the use of 3D-glasses in maintenance and repair of ships.

A technician wearing such glasses uses augmented reality to identify a device, its description, technical documents, 3D model, current parameters, last operations performed, and a video guide. 

The project named AS TOR (automated maintenance and repair system) is implemented as a mobile application. Except for 3D-glasses, the image can be displayed on a tablet or a projector. 

Expectedly, introduction of the ‘augmented reality’ technology would improve quality and increase the speed of mechanical operations, and in some cases scale down requirements for the personnel qualification. 

According to Sergey Nosov, the chief engineer at the Ladozhskaya Verf shipyard, such technology will really reduce the maintenance downtime of the ships. "It’s one thing when you have all manuals on the table, but an entirely different thing when you see them in 3D glasses", commented the expert. 

However, Nosov suggested that Russian users of the innovation might face specific problems. It is primarily about updating of the information about operations performed on a particular component. 

"How you can identify, say, when the last repair of a component was? Look, it's often like that: they take, for example, a rudder head, weld one little seam but write there were five seams. Just to upvalue the cost. So, you have to doubt and feel the component with your hands, measure it all once again. We cannot take someone’s word that the works were allegedly done", Nosov added. 

Presently, the augmented reality technology is applied in repair of industrial machinery, manufacturing and service maintenance of cars, and in many other areas. In the US, similar system has been tested in overhaul of combat vehicles since 2009.

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