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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Tech that will change your life in 2017

All good for Microvision.
Microvision is all over this stuff.... 

Wall Street Journal -- More at the source.
Mobile Video Goes Mainstream
Like it or not, you’ll watch more video on your smartphone this year. Facebook LiveTwitter LiveInstagram Live (and Stories). With new streaming video features, all the major social networks are clamoring to become the television network in your pocket. They’re also clamoring to out-Snapchat Snapchat, the soon-to-go-public picture-chat service, where upward of 10 billion videos are watched each day. Considering video is a data hoover, cellular carriers will offer heftier plans and incentives to increase our data buckets. ( T-Mobile and Sprint have already shifted back to unlimited plans.) Some carriers including Verizon will begin testing 5G networks for an even faster wireless future.

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