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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Vuzix - working on smart glasses

Vuzix confirmed they are Microvision's customer. (We don't know how much they buy, and they were buying displays from two vendors.) They are looking to go into production on their smart glasses -- and they were helping Google. There are a few dots to connect.

They do intend to roll out production

"As a preferred partner in the Vuzix Industrial Partner (VIP) developer program, Ubimax received and shared the M300 Smart Glasses with customers currently using the M100 technology, including shipping giant DHL and automaker Daimler, so users could become acclimated with the new technology before full-scale production.  After a successful pilot program showed the operational benefits of the M100 series powered with Ubimax's X-Pick software, DHL recently announced global expansion of its vision picking pilot program, to include the M300 series, across the United States Europe and England."

This is about Vuzix. -- more at the source.

So where to next? Are smartglasses now destined to be the big wearable event of 2017? Nobody out there knows better than Vuzix, and nobody within Vuzix knows better than CEO Paul Travers. Since 1997 (it was named Icuiti for the first ten years), Vuzix has been quietly working on the smartglasses revolution with a focus on enterprise - a low hanging fruit, Paul admits - building devices for helping professionals in warehouse logistics, healthcare, quality assurance, and even the military field. 
Almost all of them have been fashionably questionable, which is fine when nobody else sees them, but it's also given Vuzix the time to build slowly towards the consumer.
At CES 2017 it will be demoing its new pair of specs, the Blade 3000. This marks a midway point between business and the everyday user - what Paul calls the "prosumer" - for consumer-facing professionals; doctors, dentists, secretaries etc. Using Vuzix's waveguide technology they'll provide a digital display onto the lenses, providing anything from GPS navigation data to patient information, to Skype video calls and HD movies.

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