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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ways Companies can incorporate Augmented Reality

A nice list of specific use cases. 

This is getting to be on the radar of more and more people (most still don't know.) And there are drivers for its adoption. And Microvision has a great AR patent portfolio. -- More at source

  • Better Customer Service
Augmented reality not only makes life easier for customer support staff of any organization, but it also helps them work smarter, and increase overall productivity. Perfect for the retail sector, augmented reality helps retailers create their own products, thus allowing customers to experience their favorite products by themselves. For example, a sales representative at a spectacles counter can utilize AR glasses to assist customers select the spectacles that best suit their appearance and style.
  • Visualizing Objects
Visualizing objects through augmented reality can help professionals interact with virtual 3D models in the real world. Through the ability of visualization, augmented reality allows users to get a better sense of the finished products, rather than flat image on the screen. Instead of waiting to see your vision transform from paper, with AR, an automotive engineer drawing a plan for a new car can use an AR viewer to view 3D virtual parts, based on which they can easily manipulate and refine the parts to get the right design.
  • Remote Guidance
Many people, such as engineers, salesman, etc., often spend maximum time working onsite, and at some point in time they face situations where they need a helping hand back from the office. Here is where augmented reality can come in handy and provide professionals with relevant information, like manuals or instructions, which helps them efficiently solve the specific task in front of them. Instead of a salesman visiting door-to-door selling products, they can utilize an AR viewer to help customers understand products and its utility.
  • Relationship Building
Augmented reality allow businesses the opportunity to develop their own products, improve user engagement, and build a long-lasting relationship with their customers. A viable marketing option, augmented reality helps organizations increase the scope of their business and inculcate a sense of mutual loyalty among the customers. For example, a travel company can make use of AR glasses to help customers experience wonderful places by themselves, and ensure that the experience they are communicating comes to fruition.
  • Innovative Working Methods
Besides giving a helping hand for remote guidance, augmented reality can also prove to be beneficial in improving work processes of an organization. With the functionality to recognize objects, augmented reality can change the scenario of today’s office culture, making it more productive and appealing. Instead of traveling to a site, an insurance company examining a wrecked car after an accident can make use of an AR headset to easily recognize the damage and the cost estimate for fixing it.

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