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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Scoble - Apple, Metaio, Primesense

Scoble isn't my favorite prognosticator. But Some of this is pretty interesting. IF he has put this stuff together correctly, things could get very interesting for Microvision.

I'm profoundly skeptical of a "clear" smart phone coming. (One that can pretend to be clear, less dubious) A phone that labels the world as you look at the phone is possible.

Of all the Apple news out recently the leaks prior to iPhone 7's appearance of the "smart connectors" I think those will be key soon... but watching everything.

Thanks Jason.

Scoble Facebook

The phone itself has a next-generation 3D sensor from Primesense, which Apple bought. Apple has 600 engineers working in Israel on just the sensor. It’s the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. It’s the first product introduction in Apple’s new amazing headquarters. It’s a big f**king deal and will change this industry deeply. It’ll get rid of the HTC Vive lighthouse system, too.


Apple’s purchase of Metaio is going to prove very key. I won’t be shocked to learn that Peter Meier, CTO there, is in charge of the next iPhone strategy and has been for years.


Microsoft’s execs already told me they are betting 100% on mixed reality (with its Microsoft HoloLens product). The strategy at Microsoft is “Cloud + Hololens.” That’s it. The entirety of a $455 billion company is betting on mixed reality.


One thing is clear to me now after coming home from meeting dozens of consumer electronics leaders at GITEX in Dubai (the middle east’s biggest consumer electronics show): the next three years will see more new technologies and more new products released than we’ve seen in possibly human history. The investments being made are staggering and major companies (and leaders) will see their legacies made or destroyed in a very short time.

This guy, I find to be more believable...

Mashable - Ulanoff  -- Much more at source
Found here

Apple will do something with Augmented Reality.

That’s not rumor or innuendo. Apple CEO Tim Cook repeatedly expressed his strong interest in the technology over the more isolating virtual reality over the last 12 months. Apple acquired an AR company over a year ago. And 2017 promises to be a very big year for the iPhone. Why wouldn’t Apple bring its own brand of mixed reality to its flagship product?

That all makes sense.


In car

Apple’s plans to build an Apple Car may have gone up in smoke, but its interest in transportation is likely undiminished.

I’ve long assumed that Apple’s strongest vehicular interests reside in interfaces. What if the new iPhone uses its AR to change your perspective on the road, so you can see the name of the highway and your direction laid out in front of you? If Apple squeezes a laser projector inside the iPhone 8, it could project the AR information onto your windshield.

Wild? Yes. Unlikely? Sure, but probably more likely than Apple AR Glasses.

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