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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Why has Foxconn been pushing Sharp?

This is a great summary of questions.

It does make me wonder if Foxconn is going to do to Apple what Apple has done to some of its suppliers. If that's the case, the next iPhone could experience a very significant delay.

+ Softbank + Toshiba. (Was the effort to buy Toshiba an effort not so much to gain something for themselves, but to deny Apple?)

I highly recommend reading and re-reading this particular article. 

Like a good tension-filled TV series like 24, the story is one of the most fascinating in the tech sector to date with each episode building towards an end that we yet don't understand. The pieces of the story are purposely scrambled to keep us guessing.
Yet the one nagging question that keeps popping up is why has Foxconn pushing Sharp back into the smartphone business so aggressively?

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