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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Microvision Twitter, Size of Market

1.4 Billion smartphones were sold world wide last year.

435 million mobile phone viewers in CHINA. That's a lot of people who will directly benefit from PicoP -- which is entering mass production.

This is just in case you had any doubts about the size market for PicoP. 

Microvision is producing with it's manufacturing and marketing partner ST Microelectronics.

The market is enormous -- and the one very consistent demand among smartphone users is "Bigger screen." Which is at war with their demand for "easier to carry."

PicoP turns contradictory demands into something that is easily possible.

Microvision's Twitter Feed

Rapid TV News

Research from eMarketer has found that China will have more than 435 million mobile video viewers in 2017, the rapid growth driven by what the researcher says is a seemingly insatiable demand for content and services.

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