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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Augmented Reality Apps included in newest Apple Upgrade

This is only included to show what's coming with Augmented Reality --- the way to view this content with GLASSES --- is going to be a place where MicroVision shines -- no matter who makes the computing hardware.

Inman -- source

“By blending digital objects and information with the environment around you, ARKit takes apps beyond the screen, freeing them to interact with the real world in entirely new ways,” Apple says on its website.

Augmented Reality "Walk the Property Lines" #WalkTheLines from Homesnap on Vimeo.

Magicplan, which allows users to create floor plans while walking and automatically computes the required amount of materials for DIY projects, such as paint or flooring, based on the plan dimensions

Why AR will take off before VR

Virtual reality is probably years away from becoming mainstream, according to Leo Pareja, CEO of real estate big data company Remine. Pareja spoke on a panel called “Connecting Immersive Technology With MLS Data” at the Council of Multiple Listing Services (CMLS) conference Friday.

“VR is way in the distance and probably never mainstream, but AR, absolutely. It’ll start in our phones and then go to wearables,” Pareja said.

Fellow panelist Andrew Flachner, founder and CEO of RealScout, agreed. “Now everyone has an AR device in their pocket with Apple’s announcement.”

But he cautioned that the artificial intelligence and machine learning that underlie some of the newest technologies are very far from being able to understand our world the way humans do.

Currently, tech is available that takes a photo from the MLS and is able to identify definitively that it’s a photo of a kitchen, Flachner said. But we’re a long way from technology that is able to understand that a particular home is perfect for a particular buyer the way a real-live agent can.

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