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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Conference Presentation....

MicroVision is Naming Names.  

MVIS Presentation

This is nearly as good in my mind as an out and out announcement.(IMHO)
  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Facebook
Did NOT mention who is the BB partner (or what it is.... or did they?)
Did NOT mention who is the display only partner (or did they?)

Love this slide:

Links to two specific videos...  Check out the listing at WPG Holdings.... (BELOW)

Facebook F8 Announcement

"Facebook Announces Spaces, VR Hangout App, For Oculus Rift F8 Conference"

I think very interesting the missing "Portal Speaker."

WPG Holdings Projection Smart Speaker Solution. (WPG Holdings is a distributor if you haven't already been following along. MicroVision is in very good company there.)

This engine, (the PSE-0403st) is a version of the INTERACTIVE engine -- not the Display only version. (See MicroVision Displayground for write up.)

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