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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Why little robots may be the next big thing in smart home tech

Sharp ahead of its time.


"What people really wanted was a robot from the movies, they wanted a robot that was always on. They didn’t want to pull out their phone in order to just play, this just created a lot of friction."
Vector operates completely autonomously and connects to the cloud which gives it a vast database of knowledge to answer questions. 
In short: it now does things that a virtual assistant does but Palatucci believes Vector has two big USPs that the current crop of Alexa and Google Assistant infused speakers doesn't have - mobility and personality.
"We aren’t trying to compete with Alexa and Google Home, Palatucci notes. "We are trying to create robots where the primary purpose is companionship, but at the same time they can do things that are useful."

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