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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

So, if you're a doubter....

So, if you have any lingering doubts about Hololens, there are some good things pointing in that direction.

This is from last year in June, it's impossible to catch everything, not sure if this was one we missed or not.

Thx Joe D for the heads up.

Hololens Reality News

However, one supplier of MEMS laser scanner displays, MicroVision, announced last April that it had secured a $24 million development contract with a major technology company to produce such a display system.

"We believe the LBS display markets have tremendous opportunity for growth, and we are extremely pleased that a major technology company has decided to work with MicroVision and our PicoP scanning technology in the development of its product," said Alexander Tokman, president and CEO of MicroVision. "We believe that our systems expertise and the ability of our patented LBS technology to create a display that produces high resolution images from a low power, small form factor engine were key contributors to winning this business."

Nice Stuff From Microsoft  (The smoking gun)

Hololens Larger Field of View

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