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Monday, April 8, 2019

3D Computing will be a GIGANTIC leap forward

Since human beings first started recording data to share they could work only in two dimensions... that's true until now, but that's changing.

We added audio and video, which helped of course, but even video is two dimensional. We can fake it, but it's not that useful, and you still need to be anchored to a chair to use it -- sort of. (With smartphones and tablet computers,  you can abandon the chair, and get your video or other data wherever you happen to be. PicoP display only can feature here.)

The Clay Tablet with Cuniform and the iPad, are the same in that they are two-dimensional.

The clay tablet was a huge leap forward from having to speak or demonstrate information in person at all times. That concept became much more user friendly as materials improved: first to papyrus, then paper. Then duplication improved -- scribes, the printing press, huge improvements on the printing press over centuries, then we started using electronics and duplication could happen millions of times instantly.

So, what happens now?

Doing is going to get easier. Learning is going to get a lot easier. A new teaching tool will make it possible to make people much more effective -- smarter and more capable. Which will improve life significantly for most people.

Information and entertainment could be layered everywhere.

The difference between 2D doing stuff and 3D doing stuff? I've been trying to figure out how to relay that effectively for a while now. Mostly because there aren't many good examples depicting what 3D computing will actually look like.

Auto fuel and hydraulic systems... 

If you work on cars now, you have to have developed some skills at reading schematics.. and you must have the experience of finding what is referenced on the schematic and finding it in reality... it's a significant skill set.  You get pictures like the above... that's it.

What it's depicting looks like this in reality. (Now take the picture below and put it in motion -- zooming in and out -- superimposed on the actual vehicle AS you work on it.) What was very difficult before becomes an order of magnitude easier.

That's going to be the difference.

I can't wait to learn languages with Hololens. Imagine being able to walk around and have an immensely patient teacher telling you what everything is in a foreign language all day long. What used to take years will take a month or two.

Tech companies know that this is going to be huge, and all the big tech companies are getting involved..... selling shovels to gold miners.

Teaching and learning

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