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Friday, May 10, 2019

Hololens 2 Bigger Picture

As you watch it, if your memory is good, you'll hear a lot of things you've heard from descriptions from Microvision...

When the pixel is blank, the laser switches off...


So this is a whole knew technology for the screen. You replaced the old technology This is a whole new way.
Why did you decide to go this direction with the display? Like why did you decide with lasers? I mean lasers are cool of course. Other than that.
So, lasers are cool they are also the most efficient mechanism by which we can produce light. (Is this okay now Omer?) So, hence that was the right choice. It has its own set of challenges but it is the right call. Because of the MEMS approach, as we increase the field of the view the weight doesn’t change. So, it is also lighter than the original design point. And again the SRG’s, the waveguides, are, they are the best in class. So, we are able to maintain our size and power constraints and yet deliver a much larger field of view.

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