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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Airbus and more.

Interesting that the two premier aircraft manufacturing companies in the world are both on board with Hololens. 

This is describing even better results than I thought we'd get.

This tech will take the world by storm -- and very few people know about it yet. (just 7000 views on the Airbus video when I linked it.)

Being an investor in the provider of key components to new technologies that will improve productivity and human connection significantly is a fantastic place to be.  (Like holding CSCO in 1995....SWKS in 2013... )

Listen to the Podcast (thx reddituser flyingmirrors)

This guy is interesting, and he seems to have a mostly balanced view. The podcast is long, but he does say flatly that MVIS is in Hololens. He hasn't seen the display yet. (and seems significantly influenced by a MVIS naysayer who has admitted he was incorrect.)

I anticipate that the display now will have the field of view of Nomad or better -- with better resolution and brightness, which will be a stunning improvement from Hololens 1. Part of what I'm basing that on is the size of the wave guide in pictures of Hololens 2, I don't know yet, I haven't tried it.

In the podcast one of the questions was about whether the Hololens 2 is good enough to start living up to the promises of AR. The answer was clearly yes... and, given the reaction of Airbus, I wouldn't doubt that. (Also the language in the Airbus video seems to indicate that Airbus is ALREADY using Hololens 2.)

Technology Record

"Hololens devices in a bid to speed production and improve training for new staff. Airbus is also teaming up with Microsoft to sell MR apps to other businesses in the airline industry."

"Airbus has identified more than 300 potential use cases for MR across its business, such as remote staff training that doesn’t tie up expensive equipment. MR systems can also boost frontline worker productivity at Airbus with hands-free access to information, such as instructions or diagrams overlaid on physical machinery, cutting manufacturing time by a third. "

The company also said design processes are 80% quicker because designs can be tested in 3D before manufacturing.

“Mixed reality can help us to increase quality, safety and security” Jean-Brice Dumont, executive vice president of engineering at Airbus, said in a blog post Monday. “The level of human error is significantly reduced, and in aerospace, increased quality is increased safety – and needless to say, security goes with that.”

Also, don't forget this.... something weird is going on between these two companies. This is a greeting of Airbus from Boeing. That features the hololens.

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