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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Augmented Reality (Mixed Reality) Will be bigger than LiDAR is really popular to say lately, "Do your own Due Diligence... this is only my own opinion. -- which is true."

Mixed reality is going to replace the screen on your smartphone... and your PC screen.

Pay Close attention to this. Microsoft also going consumer.

And... like LiDAR, EVERY MAJOR Tech company is ALSO going full steam ahead into Augmented reality, and MicroVisions NEAR EYE DISPLAY is the best.

Here is the proof that MicroVision is IN Hololens.

It's also here, I started near the spot in the video. If you search that weird abomination prototype, you will see Microvision's logo (3 times?)

How popular will this be as a consumer product? As popular as Pokemon Go in Taiwan (The first mainstream augmented reality game.) 

IF you're on the fence as to when to buy.... the way I see it... now.

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