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Friday, June 14, 2013

Stuff from the Microvision Investors Meeting 

I saw prototypes of embedded or accessory Microvision projectors yesterday.

 In a Kindle Fire® tablet . --- You want one... I mean REALLY you WANT one. This tablet had a picture as good as my TV at home, showing a screen nearly as big as my TV at home in a dimly lit room... (It wasn't a brightly lit room, but it was not dark.

attached comfortably to a Samsung phone --- with as good a picture as the other! 

In each of the tablets they were able to embed the projector without any change to the form factor (they cut a little hole in the side, installed the projector and sealed it up... there's no bump or anything.

Video of Kindle Fire prototype

A summary of the stockholder meeting. (Talked to this guy & gave him a lift home)

The key players are happier than I've ever seen them... and they acknowledged that they are.

Just before the main presentation, the CEO grabbed my arm (I've met him enough times that he recognizes me) and said something to the effect of "I feel like the anchor lines have been cut and I have my jet pack on."

There was an interesting pop in the stock this morning that I suspect strongly was an bout of insider buying.... (It's only suspicion at this time, but the timing, and the way the trade was conducted looks like an insider buy footprint... I'll watch for an SEC document release.)

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