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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Growth in Mobile Video = Growth in Demand for PicoP

If what is in this report is true, my estimates for the potential of PicoP are grotesquely LOW.

Earnings Math
Market Cap Comparisons

  • 6.8 BILLION mobile subscriptions globally in the first Quarter of 2014 (I find this difficult to believe. It must mean that there are a lot of people with multiple subscriptions.)
  • More than 2 billion mobile broadband subscriptions globally in 2013.
  • 9.2 Billion mobile subscriptions by the end of 2019. (That's more than the current human population of the world by two billion.) World Population
  • Data usage has been growing at 65% annually
  • 40% of mobile data traffic is from VIDEO. (That's a LOT of traffic. I need no other reason to invest in Microvision. We don't have to own the whole market to do amazingly well.)

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