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Friday, September 12, 2014

Apple CEO Cook on TV

While there is disappointment we didn't make the September iPhone release date -- no one, including myself was even remotely hopeful for an iPhone inclusion, except perhaps as an accessory. (And why dilute the thunder of your main event?) Included below is last years schedule of Apple product releases. There are more days in the year.

Apple CEO Tim Cook made an appearance on the Charlie Rose Show, where he briefly touched upon the future of Apple TV. The full segment will air Friday night on PBS, but we have a clip for you below.
Cook first pointed out that the hardest decisions Apple has to make are the things “not to work on.”
Asked if TV is one of those, Cook replied, “TV is one that we continue to have great interest in.” 
He further elaborated, “TV is one of those things that is stuck back in the 70s. Think about all the things that have changed …and TV almost feels like you’re rewinding the clock, the interface is terrible. It’s awful.”
But when Rose asked why Apple’s not fixing that problem, Cook simply said, “It’s an area we’ll continue to look at,” noting the current Apple TV box now has over 20 million users and an increasing set of content. 

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