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Thursday, June 25, 2015


He is writing about something else, but the comments about disruption are perfect, and describe why you want to be invested in this disruptive technology.

MicroVision is going to disrupt information display: screens are on their way to a steep decline. MicroVision is just getting started at replacing them. Given the increasing speed at which a superior technology can replace an inferior one we're about to see an amazing transformation. 

Most media consumption has gone mobile, because people like it. Now their second most important criteria - screen size, is about to catch up.

Koyfman is writing here about Tesla, but the sentiments apply to MicroVision just as much. 

(I remain dubious about the particular disruption Tesla is attempting, but not about the MicroVision disruption.)

From WealthDaily

In 1906, the Royal Navy launched a ship that changed the course of history.
It's not widely known outside academic circles or high school history classes, but the commissioning of the HMS Dreadnought in the years before World War I rendered every previous warship type obsolete.
The design of this first-of-its-kind ship — which gave its name to both a class (in the British navy) and a general type (in all navies) of large battleship — was the result of many lessons learned in the largely sea-fought Russo-Japanese War.
Armed with 10 12-inch guns mounted on five traversable turrets, powered by steam turbines, and protected by a thick belt of armor below the waterline, the Dreadnought was the prototype for all large, gun-bearing capital ships right through the end of the Second World War.
It was able to concentrate more firepower, move faster, and take more damage than anything that came before it — and any one of these three advantages would have already been crucial in its own right.
By the time the First World War started in 1914, all modern navies possessed Dreadnought-type battleships. And although the original Dreadnought had been matched and even outclassed by that time, its overall layout carried through to ships we still recognize today, like the Iowa-class battleships that fought the Pacific War against the Japanese Empire.
But as you may have guessed, this article isn't about ships, and it's not about war... It's about the concept of disruption — something the Dreadnought achieved at a level seldom seen in history.
Don't think of it as a weapon; think of it as a product... a product that made all preceding products in that class as good as dead.


Back in the late 1990s, Google made perhaps the single most profound disruptive innovation by changing the way scientists, university professors, and eventually people from all walks of life find and share information.

The concept of a library — a place where public knowledge is stored and accessed and something that had been with humanity since thousands of years before the Common Era — was forever made obsolete by a single algorithm that just happened to manage freely available data.

Elusive, Game Changing, World Changing
From an investment standpoint, there is absolutely nothing like a disruptive technology — as long as you get in before the disruption.
Just think of the guy who gave Henry Ford his first seed capital to develop the Model T, which disrupted the luxury-only automotive industry and the production industry in one fell swoop.
In today's world, however, it's not always as easy to see a paradigm-shifting new development coming.
Most of us only realize it's arrived long after the fact, and that's something that's unfortunately never going to change.
However, some impending disruptions are easier to spot than others.
There is one in the works right now that you've almost definitely heard of and probably even know a thing or two about.
Few people realize, though, just how disruptive this coming technological revolution is.

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