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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Verizon & AT&T see Huge Opportunity for Mobile Video

People like mobile first, then big screens. When a technology like PicoP can provide them both -- it's going to be extremely valuable to mobile data providers. 

Verizon sees 80% of media consumption going mobile!

SONY and Verizon are cooperating: (Sony Z4v at Verizon)

Something else very interesting in this article is the amount AT&T is paying for DirecTV. The value of content for mobile networks is huge -- and PicoP can deliver content for anyone -- and probably will be for everyone. Will we get to a 48.5 Billion valuation? (ATT buys DirecTV

To deliver content, you need the pipes, the content, and the medium. PicoP is the link between portability and large screen experience.

From MyWayNews

We see the world shifting very quickly to mobile and we believe that mobile will represent 80 percent of consumers' media consumption in the coming years. And the Verizon-AOL partnership will allow us to capture that shifting opportunity," said Verizon CFO Fran Shammo on a conference call.

Verizon's mobile video service will work on competitors' networks as well as on Wi-Fi and will include ad-supported data, says Verizon executive vice president Marni Walden. That could mean an advertiser pays for some of the data required — video is a data hog.

Verizon is securing deals for live and on-demand content, Walden said. The company currently has the rights to the Live Earth concert, a partnership with the NFL that lets wireless phone subscribers pay $5 a month to watch live football games and a deal for exclusive content with AwesomenessTV, an Internet video network.
AT&T, Verizon's wireless rival, has gone in a different direction with video. It's buying satellite TV provider DirecTV for $48.5 billion. Regulators must still approve that deal.

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