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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pioneer Laser Scan HUD

Like many of the "seeds" planted by MicroVision. (50+ OEMS) Some of them take a while to sprout. Many thought this one was done, but here it is, in a video posted yesterday about a car show that's still ongoing.

This may also be indicative of supply chain #3 -- which would be the best news of all. 

We know very little, but Pioneer's use of PicoP technology is apparently alive and well.

Bottom one is all Japanese, but shows interesting things as well. Clearly mentions laser HUD at about 3:00.

@ 6:05 uses RANGE ROVER as a sample vehicle... this is curious given the misplaced excitement last year about Range Rover's laser windshield display.

 Pioneer Corporation, is exhibited at the "Tokyo Motor Show 2015" (October 30 (held on Friday) to November 8th (Sun) at Tokyo Big Sight), developed by the Company towards the automatic operation society from Konekuteddoka various advanced technologies that are advancing the we introduce.

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