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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Qualper Laser Phone

I was away most of the 17th December, so I had a lot of catching up to do when I got back. Thanks in advance to all those who went digging through and searching for the information that is presented here. I'll try and provide a useful summary and collection of that information here.

The Yahoo message board was buzzing with news of a Projector phone. 

PicoP embedded in a phone is our "holy grail" because with it, users can get optimal use of PicoP -- people instantly able to show their own pictures and short videos with each other. 

First: This all seems to be connected to the "ViewSmart" which was to be released in the US on the 15th, but apparently had some shipping problems. We have near certainty that ViewSmart contains PicoP (but no official confirmation as of yet.) 

Viewsmart post 
Viewsmart User manual (from FCC)
ViewSmart Website

Chinese News report on it
News Report 2

Available for sale

Chinese Review (will pull translated quotes later)

Qualper website (Original Chinese) I encourage you to look at this site first, it shows the original layout which looks very good.

A phone specs page from the Qualper Site

Here's the back of the Qualper Phone

And a demo they have. That is a near dead ringer for the MVIS engine we know and love. (I added the MicroVision Gen2 Engine to the picture for comparison)

I'm still waiting on a translation of this from the page: But this is the same resolution claimed by the SONY picop module: (Sony PicoP module at MicroVision Website) From the list of specifications.

And 80000:1 is our official contrast. I believe the 1080 mentioned here is for the picture input. -- again, waiting on a translation.

So, there it is for now. I'm sure we'll learn more soon!

A Note that seems appropriate now: I have a lot of discussions with friends (Joe, Omer, Jason, and others) and they hear from me a lot of things that don't get posted here. For example the chances that any one thing is going to happen. When I was asked directly a couple of days ago by one of them what I thought the ODDS of the Yu Yutopia having a partnered product with MicroVision on the 17th, I put them at 1 in 5. Depending on how you read my posts, it may seem like I had higher hopes than that.

One of the other things that I have discussed, particularly with Joe, is the fact that smaller companies adopting this kind of new tech are going to be out the door with it BEFORE the big companies. They have less to lose and more to gain by trying something totally new.

There was an R2D2 shaped refrigerator that popped up a month or so ago, that has PicoP in it, and we talked about it and decided not to post in our respective forums. We did, because we thought people would think it's not a serious product. I did make the point at that time to Joe, that a small, custom product with a short run is the perfect testing ground for PicoP -- and relatively easy for them to incorporate in a small run, small market, limited edition product. And the company doing that can be nimble.. they aren't setting up a massive production line... so a new component can appear in a place like that early

So, seeing this company, one that is almost entirely unknown. (I didn't know it's name before today) isn't particularly surprising to me. I'm sure there will be a few more. I'm pretty confident about companies like Micromax, OnePlusOne, Gionee, and even Lenovo will probably beat Samsung and Apple to the market. But once Apple and Samsung try to get into this market... they'll come in hard.

Oh, and my interpretation on the odds of this particular thing being MicroVision -- they're better than 90%.

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