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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Toyota to adopt Ford System

This is potentially huge.

Ford's system appears to be very heavily involved with SONY (who intends to use PicoP for HUD systems)

From ReCode

" Ford plans to announce that Toyota will become the first rival carmaker to use Ford’s SmartDeviceLink, the software platform designed to help developers write a version of its software — Pandora, for instance — to run on cars that have adopted the system. SmartDeviceLink is behind Ford’s Sync 3 in-car navigation and entertainment system.

By offering its system to rivals, Ford hopes to improve the odds that Detroit can keep up with Silicon Valley in what is shaping up to be a key battle between the auto and tech industries. Ford said it is in discussions with Honda, Mazda and Subaru, which are considering adopting the platform."

Ford Sync

Making All of the connections here (for us, and the automakers, apparently) is difficult. How everything comes together remains to be seen. Really worth watching though.

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